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Workshops for Relationships

Request a Workshop

Workshops are currently paused as Jess turns her attention to specific partnerships and writing projects.

If a past workshop sounds interesting but it isn't currently offered, or if you'd like Jess to facilitate a workshop for you, please feel free to express your interest here!

Workshop content can also be a focus for private relationship support.

for real life.

You're looking for powerful ideas about how people work, but you're not looking for a 12 credit class - or therapy. Learning Humans workshops are that in-between kind of learning. What's more, these workshops address the in-between spaces; the spaces where work meets our personal lives, where our inside experiences meet the outside world, where two partners come together. 


School doesn't prepare us for the interpersonal components of this work. Family, faith, and community might not consider neurophysiology. And our evolutionary histories certainly don't match up to modern life.

While the following workshops may seem to span significant content, all is united by a theme; find yourself a spot in a workshop if you're seeking to increase your connection, to span the distance.

Wedding Venue

Wedding Planning as Partnership Practice

Use the process of planning a wedding to clarify your values, build collaborative boundaries, and build a strong foundation for your union.

For couples planning a ceremony to shift and/or celebrate their relationship.

Happy Senior Couple

How to Communicate: Win-Win Strategies Beyond Just Talking 

Partnership is a relationship unlike any other in our lives. It's no wonder that communication strategies that work with colleagues or friends miss the mark with our partner. Figure out how and why to use varied approaches in communication towards figuring out and getting what you want in a safe, mutual relationship.

For couples at any stage in their relationship.


Principles for Partnership: How to Build a Relationship That Works for Both of You

Partnership is the most important contract in your life, and often the least defined. Build agreements that support the relationship you both desire.

For couples at any stage in their relationship.

A Loving Hug

One Partner, Three Brains:

Strategies for Satisfying Committed Partnership

Learn basic neuroanatomy and how to neutralize your partner's threat response while managing your own for safe, connected communication. 

For couples at any stage in their relationship.

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In Love in Spite of In-Laws: How to Have a Great Time

This Holiday Season

Family pressures can be tough on a relationship, especially when holiday expectations enter the chat. Build an actionable understanding of the pressures and possibilities for connection amidst holiday traditions and travails.

For couples at any stage in their relationship.

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Strengthened By Change

We can measure the strength of a relationship by how well it weathers change. Learn how transitions impact relationships, and how to use those impacts to increase your partnership's safety and closeness.

For couples at any stage in their relationship.

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